Red Thread to Sophia

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dirty and Orange -

During my big meeting Friday morning I noticed a spot on my leg. It looked kinda like dirt so I did the lick the thumb and rub it off (like moms do). It didn't come off. I tried again. Nothing. One more time for good measure. Still nothing. I figured that it was just a freaky bruise that I got. I get bruises all of the time and have no idea where they came from. So I really didn't give it much more though than that. Friday night as Frenchie, Tim, and I were headed out for drinks I noticed that the palms of my hands where orange. WTF? I racked my brain trying to think of what I could have gotten into. Not a damn thing came to mind. Saturday when I remembered to check they were even oranger. WTF? Fast forward to Sunday. There is a commercial on TV for this Aveeno lotion that self tans. My first thought is that Aveeno is my favorite lotion and I'm a total mayonnaise white girl, I should totally buy some. DING! DING! DING! I run over to my new bottle of Aveeno lotion and pick it up. Yup! I bought the self tanning stuff without even realizing it. The good news is that it does work. The bad news is that I look dirty and orange. I actually think that it's funny as all get out. I am such a dork.


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