Red Thread to Sophia

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hometown Racism

Ang just sent me a link to an article about my hometown and the racial issues there. Thanks for that hun! So now it's on my mind and I just need to vent. I am ashamed to be frank. Growing up in our small town there was no diversity to speak of. I honestly know of no Jewish families or even non-Christian families. There were like three black families and two Asian families, but that's with a big stretch of the imagination. There was always a growing number of Hispanics moving into the area. The people in town were never shy about their racial feelings of the Hispanic community. I never had those same feelings, but never gave it much thought. It was always understood that we were a redneck town and it had to be expected. Now as an adult I'm sickened by not only the expectation of it, but the acceptance of it. I'm very sad that my hometown is in the news for the racism rising everyday. I don't want to play it off like this is a bad place full of bad people. It was a great place to grow up. You knew everyone in your school and really everyone in town. It's a safe place. It's filled with so many great people, including my parents. I unfortunately know that this stuff happens every where. Racism is not limited to small towns. I'm just really sad that the only thing coming out of the news from my hometown is hate.


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