Red Thread to Sophia

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Frenchie's new job -

So I have kept something secret for a little bit that I can finally share. The company that Frenchie worked for when I met him and just left a little over a year ago wants him back. This has been such a hard call for Frenchie. He LOVES the people at his current company. They have been so great and welcoming to him. Frenchie is one of those people that needs to be working with new newest and coolest stuff out there. That's the one thing that he didn't love about the current company. They are content with the technology that they use, but Frenchie doesn't thrive off being content with what is. He thrives on making the new stuff work. The old company has offered him has offered him a position where he will thrive. Plus, the money is not anything that could possibly be turned down. I don't want to sound like a money whore, but who couldn't make that a huge factor. Especially when the new salary is nothing that we could ever pass up. He has accepted the new position and just gave his notice today.

I'm not a perfect wife by any stretch of the imagination. Still, I think that being supportive of my husband is really one of my strong points. It's so important for Frenchie to know that I believe in him. I married this crazy smart man. He really does deserve my admiration. I know that if this new job is something that he feels strongly about that I need to support him. I'm not shy about my opinions and in my own marriage we are a true partnership. I appreciate that without my support that Frenchie would not be so gung ho about making this change. He has always respected my apprehensiveness in the past about other options. So I have to give him a giant thumbs up when it comes to his half of our partnership. I may not be able to contribute financially as an equal partner, but he has never let that diminish my role.


At 11 April, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure love Frenchie....

At 11 April, 2007 , Blogger Shannon said...

Congrats to Frenchie!


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