Red Thread to Sophia

Monday, January 08, 2007

Paula Zahn / CNN

Okay where do I even start? Here is the link just in case you have no idea what I'm talking about. . You would think that CNN of all people would have a panel of people with a clue. Seriously! Would have been a stretch to have a person that has adopted from China, internationally, or even at all? Instead they had a jackass spouting an opinion about something they know nothing about. Really, there are people that think we are adopting to get a smart baby? I just have to laugh at how stupid that is! Then we are going to get jumped for not adopting or fostering domestically. What ever. Have you ever been in my shoes? No! Then do not pass judgement until you have had to do the research and make a decision about your family. Who on that panel has looked into domestic adoption? Anyone? I thought so. The race portion is one of my favorites from all this. Really, did they miss a race to stereotype?

You know, this is not a path that I ever thought that I would take. I just assumed that I would have kids on my own. Life did not work out that way for us. We are simply trying to becomes parents. We want to be a family. We have so much love to give. We are going to be some great FUCKING parents. Why do you judge us? Why is okay? I respect those that carry their child for nine months before enduring a pain that I can't even fathom. I respect those families that adopt domestically (in fact my uncle and his wife did - love you Zachary=0) I respect those families that foster children (in fact I would like to do this as well). Why is okay to disrespect those whom have decided to adopt internationally and especially China?

This is all that I have decided to devote to this Paula Zahn / CNN thing. Believe me, they are about to get their ass kicked by thousands of pissed off people. It's been seen before. Well over a year ago there was this "Comic Mom" that decided to blast adoption. Her article was full of hate. It was very sad and upsetting to me. Anyway, that got so super bad that I think she is still in hiding.


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