Red Thread to Sophia

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Storm Part Deaux!

Well we are in the middle of yet another huge storm. The good news is that people are staying home and safe. There is almost no traffic, so for those of us that had to work today it really wasn't so bad. It's a different kind of snow this week. Last week it was dry and windy. That caused white out conditions and massive snow drifts. This go round the snow it's really wet and the wind has not picked up too bad. I have to admit that it's really beautiful. The trees are stunning. Six Flags was even such a display on my way in to downtown. Really just breath taking. I wish that I had a camera on me to take a picture of the view from my office window. I work in downtown Denver on the 16th St Mall. My window over looks the mall and it's certainly a view today that I can't get enough of.

Since we have had all this snow there are many snowmen in my neighbourhood. I can't help but to imagine building one with Sophia. It's the little things like snowmen that excite me thinking about her. Don't get me wrong, I am very firmly grounded in the reality of being a parent. It's not all snowmen and joy. I understand that. On the other hand it's not all hard, there are snowmen moments in being a parent that have to be amazing. I may live in that imaginary world from time to time and I'm good with that. I think that we all need little happy thoughts to balance out our lives.

In other news, I talked to my sister N last night. For such a long time she was avoiding me. She thought that by talking about the up coming baby that it would hurt me. I think that maybe she understands that it's all okay. I love both of my sisters big time. I am overly excited about being a real aunt. I'm not sure if I have mentioned it or not but I Frenchie and I even have silly little names that we want to be called as an aunt and uncle. It's not something that I think, it's that I KNOW that I am going to be the favorite aunt. I am far too happy to make an ass of myself entertaining kids. In fact, that's when I'm the happiest. So for N to think that I would get upset talking about a new blessing to our family was just goofy. I'm happy that we can resume a normal relationship with each other. It's important to me that I stay close with my sisters. I wasn't ever close to A until the last couple of years. These days I can't go for more than a couple of days without chatting with her. She has totally become one of my best friends. With N it's been the opposite. She and I were SO close and then had a falling out. We have kissed and made up since then, but has never been the same as it was. I truly hate that. Still, I want to keep working to get us back to where we were. It's a big deal. We may all be adults, but I still take my job as the big sister seriously. I'll be 92 and feel the same way.


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