Red Thread to Sophia

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It's all in the belly....

I got another picture of my sister N today. She still has another 2 1/2 months to go and she's HUGE. Normally she's built like a very tall 12 year old boy. Homegirl has NO curves. I knew that she would be all belly, but to see it is still crazy to me. Please don't think that I'm at all busting on her body type. I'd kill. Really I would. I'm more rollie than curvy these days. N has always been super tall and skinny and A is thin with great curves. I'm the "big" sister in all meanings. It looks like my mom liked me best and gave me their food. The up side of both my sisters being pregnant is that I get to see them getting fat. Okay so I know that it's not really getting fat, but I tell myself that to make me feel better.

Referrals are coming out today. I'm not exactly sure of the cut off yet but it's between 9/27/05 and 9/29/05. I can't wait for people to start posting those referral pics. I have only seen one so far and what a CUTIE! With the Chinese New Year coming up CCAA will close down. It's bummer, but what are you going to do. It's their BIG holiday and you have to respect that.

I just heard from Frenchie and he's liking his new job. I'm thrilled about that. I'll get all the details tonight and share any good stuff later. The only thing is that he and I see the world in very different ways. He might not be amused enough to mention the good stuff. With me it's way too easy to be amused by people that I work with. There was the Man Hater. Total nut job supreme. Everything was a man's fault. The books didn't balance it was because of a man. If her panties were in a wad then it was because the were designed by a man. I would like to lock her in a room with Fishing Vest Guy some time. He only has negative things to say, but he says it all with a smile on his face. I honestly have never heard him say anything remotely positive in the five years that I have known him. Caffeine Boy really dug that about Fishing Vest Guy. Like he always loved talking to him. Caffeine Boy was a great one too. I never saw that guy without a coffee cup or can of coke in his hand. He was a smoker too. Down here on the mall you are asked for a cigarette every couple of minutes. When he was asked for one he'd request a quarter as payment. Naturally the bum would say that they didn't have a quarter so Caffeine Boy would point to random person walking by and tell the bum to go get a quarter from random guy and give it to him. Looks like I got off on a tangent. I'll blog when I have way more time about other crazy people that amuse me.


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