Red Thread to Sophia

Friday, December 08, 2006

Like Mother Like Daughter

Every once in a while I'm caught off guard when I notice I'm doing something that is something my mom does. As soon as this happens I must immediately slap myself in the face. I know that it happens to all of us at one time or another, but it still comes as quite a shock. My mom laughs at me in these situations and thinks that it's so funny. The best part is that when you tell her that she sounds just like my grandmother she looks as though I have just slapped her in the face. When does it happen that this person that drives you nuts becomes part of your own personality? It can feel like being possessed. I can hear the words coming out of my mouth, but they are not my own. They are being shoved through my vocal cords by a force that is not natural. Before I know it I have uttered the statement "It's colder than a well digger's butt!" It's really quite shameful. Sometimes it's not even a saying. I sleep in the car/airplane just like my mother. My jaw drops, my head tilts back, and start to ever so slightly snore. It's the worst. Even my own facial expressions betray me and use one of her staple expressions. Now as I say all this I want you to also understand that there are other things that I love that I do just like her. I have noticed myself saying the exact same things to Ayden that she says to babies. I even use the same tones when I speak to him that she would. I touch him the way that I have seen my mom do a million times with babies. I just love that. So, as much as it drives me crazy to see her coming out of me I certainly hope that I channel her in motherhood. There was never a time that we were afraid to cuddle up to her. There was never a time that she did not listen as we cried when someone hurt our feelings. All three of us girls know that we each have our own special bond with her that could never be broken. I do understand that I'm very fortunate to be blessed with such a mom. I wonder what my own daughter will take from me that drives her nuts or fills her with joy. Will she find herself saying one of my phrases that always embarrassed her? Will she pass on the same sweet affection that seems to be passed down to each generation in my family. I certainly hope so, in both cases!

PS - It was not my time with Ayden that prompted my thinking. I was actually in the bathroom and let out a big ole fart. I swear that for a moment I thought my mom could have been in the next stall guilty of that noise. Sad and embarrassing, but true.


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