Red Thread to Sophia

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My Papaw

My Papaw's birthday is just around the corner. I had been thinking about writing about the wonderful people in my life for quite some time. I think that I'll start with him.

My Papaw is a strong and tall man. He has been and will always be someone that I can't help but look to as a perfect man. When A was born my Papaw packed us up and moved us in with them. So I spent my very young years with this man that I so adore. I can't even explain who he is in words. What I can express is that he was a father figure to me before I got my dad. I think that we have a very special bond. He had eight grandchildren and I'm sure that we all know that we have a special place individually in his heart. The thing is that there is such a strong connection between us. I remember special days where he would take me, just me, for a day out with his mother. I don't remember too much from those days, but I'll never forget how great it felt to be there with those two. I was always so happy to be there. She was kind, sweet, and filled with so much love for me. There is no doubt in my mind that my Papaw got his heart from her. I worshipped him as a child and I'm not sure that much has changed there. At bed time I had to do kisses before I went to bed. Sure I kissed Mom and Mamaw, but I saved the best stuff for my Papaw. Even now, I have to kiss him twice before we part. He's not a man that talks about his emotions, but I don't need to hear the words from him since I know how he feels. Politics aside, I can talk to him about almost anything. He makes me laugh out loud even if he doesn't mean to. He is supportive of me until the end. He has never talked down to me when I've made a mistake and he is only praises when I've made him proud. I can't help but to respect him for all that he was, is, and will be. I know how fortunate I am that I have had this man to help shape my life. I feel that if I have inherited anything from the person that he is that I'm the luckiest girl for it. I can't wait for the day that he hold my daughter in his arms. I know that she'll look up to him and see the same beautiful and loving man that I do.

PS - I did want to mention that we got THE BROWN ENVELOPE. It does not speed up our wait or anything, but it's a nice reminder that we have not been forgotten.


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