Red Thread to Sophia

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Last night I went to my local blood donation center. I donate on a regular basis. In fact I belong to the Gallon Club since I have given over a gallon to this center. So last night I go in to give and I was denied! Me! I guess my count was too low or whatever so they sent me packing. I had to do the walk of shame, or at least it felt that way. This REALLY bothered me. It's important to me to donate every time that I can. My Mom has required blood many times over. She was sick for years due to her kidney failer. Thankfully, her best friend Dianne gave her a kidney. Pretty amazing huh? Anyway, I may not have been able to give a kidney but it's a big deal to do what I can. My blood type is O- (the universal donor) so it's especially important that I do so. Walking out that door unable to give made me feel awful about myself. I'm hoping to give it another shot in the next couple of weeks. Lots of red meat for me I guess. I know there are a ton of people out there that have never donated. I really encourage everyone to do so if you can. I understand that there are religous issues and even fear issues that can prevent you from doing so. If you just haven't thought much about it please do. It's really not so bad at all. Besides, half the fun of it is answering the crack ho questions. No I have not sold sex for drugs. No I have not paid for sex with drugs. No I have not had sex with anyone that has paid for sex with drugs. I love them. Oh and the nurses love to gossip about people who have answered yes. I guess people break down and admit to every dirty little thing that they have ever done. I should also address that I do NOT agree with the whole not allowing gay men to donate thing. It's not 1982 and we do not have the same misconception that we did back then. It really does shock and amaze me that it's still out there. I have only known one person that had HIV and he was a married STRAIGHT man.


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