Red Thread to Sophia

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Working downtown Denver, specifically 16th Street, we get a ton of protesters. I'm fine with it. I figure that these are people that feel very strongly about the issue. Good for them. a few minutes ago a war protest just went by. I understand that. What I didn't get was it was an Indian (feather not dot) themed protest against the war. I'm not really sure what the deal was. Why themed?

My grandmother is not very happy with my lack of enthusiasm about being part Indian. She honestly does not get why I'm not into like other members of my family. She is very dismayed that I will not go and get my Indian card. To be honest, it doesn't matter to me at all. I see the world as a giant melting pot. I figure that I'm made up of many ancestries, why just single out one? Besides, can you see the giggles when a blond haired, blue eyed, really white chick goes to get my Indian card. Maybe I'd feel different if I looked more the part. I don't so no biggie.

I do plan on embracing my daughter's Chinese-ness. Still, I think that's totally different. It's important to me that I not push anything on her, but if she is interested that I encourage her as much as she'd like. I don't believe that the color of our skin truly makes us who we are. Sure it's a huge part of our identity, but to me it's really the character of the person that makes us, well us. Besides, I think that far too often parents of Chinese children almost make the Chinese culture a theme. Yuck! It makes me sick to see a nation of people being reduced to some take out boxes, dragon figurines, and red fans. It's really stupid.


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