Red Thread to Sophia

Monday, March 19, 2007

Room to make mistakes -

So I had decided to take my mind off of things this weekend and give myself a project. Well it certainly worked. My project was to redecorate my family/tv room. I had decided to go with a brown and blue combination. I had already bought new drapes and pillows for the couch in the blue shades that I wanted. I envisioned painting my walls the same color blue as my room accents. Then I would do a ragging off faux finish in a oatmeal colored glaze. In my head it was so great. The blue would be there prominent in the room, but would not over power it due to my glaze. I guess the problem lies in the fact that I have a great imagination, but that doesn't always work in reality. It looked like CRAP!! I had to laugh at how badly it turned out. So I had a blue base coat. Half the room had been glazed before I finally gave up. There was about $80.00 down the drain. I headed back to the paint store and picked out what I thought would be a great medium beige that would look beautiful with the blue. The good news is that I was right. The bad news is that a medium beige in a basement room makes it like super dark in there. My options are to paint the room all over again (not going to happen) or just buy new lamps (so I guess that there is lamp shopping in my future). It was a lot of work and trouble, but it really did pull me away from my own drama. I liked that a lot. So it really wasn't too bad at all.

Frenchie and I had our Valentines massages this weekend. It was Frenchie's first one. I naturally had to freak him out before hand. It is true that men very often ummm pitch a tent while getting a massage. I also warned him that he must not pass gas no matter what.

Ayden got his first tooth. He's becoming such a big boy.

I've got a doctors appointment this afternoon. I need to have a mole looked at. I'm really freaked out since it's in a very sensitive place, my nipple. Now don't get carried away. It's not gross. In fact it's really quite cute. I'm my sluttier days I had receive many compliments. The deal is that it's changing colors. Way freaked out about that. I figure that they are going to have to burn or cut it out. Either way, I'm not okay. I'll keep you updated on dantdantdadant....Nipplegate!


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