Red Thread to Sophia

Monday, January 29, 2007

It Goes There......

On Friday night's episode of Degrassi they KILLED JT! Those bastards! Does it really have to go there in this case? Didja really have to kill little JT. There are plenty more people that I'd like to see dead. Why not Craig? I can't stand that kid! Or maybe Emma? She's cute, but gotten way too annoying! What about Libby's brother's friend, you know, the white boy with the fro? Or did we really need to kill anyone? I'm still traumatized by the school shooting for crying out loud. Can't we just coast through the cast season? I'm really not a happy camper that if they had to kill little JT that I was not given any time to prepare. It's not the first time in my two decades of Degrassi that I have been this upset. Seriously, the Kevin Smith disappointment was just too much. You take two of my favorite things in this world and combine them and it's going to be amazing right? Um NO! The story line was so stupid and my Kevin Smith was neutered. Don't think for a second that I don't know how I sound going on my rant. Degrassi is a Canadian teen soap that I have been addicted to since before I was a teenager. When the came out with the next generation I knew that I was screwed. It's a really well written show. I think that it's smart and I think that it matters. They really do try to cover as many topics that kids face today. I don't care that I'm probably the only adult out there glued every week. I'm actually not embarrassed at all. I get way too involved because it's so damn good!

So speaking of Kevin Smith, Ang and I went to see Catch and Release this weekend. The movie is supposed to take place in Boulder. Okay fine what ever. There was a group of CU girls sitting behind us in the theater. I'm fine with a little leaning over on occasion and whisper a snipit. Hell, I do it!! These girls were full on talking through the ENTIRE thing. In fact you could hear the lisp that one of them had. I swear they had to talk about EVERYTHING and at slightly louder than normal speaking voice. Every scene they had to exclaim that they knew where that was. The best part was that they only spent a short time filming in Boulder. The majority of the movie was filmed in Canada you little whores! The best part was that there was a baby that cried for about five seconds in the audience. They bitched and carried on about how rude that was to bring a baby that would disrupt the movie. So I have decided to hire a private investigator to find these girls. My new goal in life is to go and ruin every freakin flick they go see for the next five years!!

So I have some great news, my sister A is giving her soon to baby girl the same middle name as mine!! It's silly but I'm so super excited by that. It may not naming her after me, but I'm so hard up for it that I'll take whatever I can get.


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